Lead with Humanity

This is the second in a multi-part series on how developing followership creates greater employee engagement and a greater willingness to support a leader’s vision.

It is easiest to create followership if you lead with humanity. Specifically, this means being authentic and caring in your approach, leading through inclusion, inspiration and collaboration. The goal is to let your employees know they matter and are heard. Leading with humanity creates a safe environment that encourages people to operate at their best.

The recently launched book by Dr. Jennifer Nash, Be Human, Lead Human — How to Connect People and Performance, is a MUST READ on this topic. In it, Dr. Nash outlines, in an approachable and easy-to-understand way, what leading with humanity looks like. She reveals not just the what and the why but also the how to lead differently. This book captures the core essence of my own leadership coaching approach. The keys are:

  • Listening to people’s ideas so they feel seen, heard, and valued for sharing their perspectives

  • Acknowledging and praising the courage required for taking smart risks

  • Recognizing the benefits of taking accountability for driving results; and

  • Creating an environment and company culture driven by trust, support, and individual accountability.

After reading Dr. Nash’s book, you will want to begin the exciting (and sometimes unsettling) journey toward creating your own outstanding leadership legacy.

Be Human, Lead Human: How to Connect People and Performance https://a.co/d/2azJGPj

Part 1 of the series.


The Grinch Who Discovered ‘Followership’


Building Followership: The Core to Successful Leadership