The Top 10 Leadership Blind Spots, and 5 Ways to Turn Them into Strengths

Self-awareness, a quality that many leaders lack. The absence of this can result in disconnected relationships and an inability to inspire others. Without self-awareness, one is not able to fully comprehend how others perceive them, and, worse, the inability to take responsibility for their actions.

I recently read an article published on Inc., The Top 10 Leadership Blind Spots, and 5 Ways to Turn Them into Strengths, by Marissa Levin, that spelled out the importance of self-awareness and solutions for leadership blind spots.

The Inc. article highlights the misconception that top-tier leaders possess the highest levels of self-awareness. The reality is that this is not always the case. Mid-level executives are often more self-aware and good at building relationships – this is one factor in how they are evaluated.

The article lists the top 10 leadership blind spots, along with ways to overcome them. The key is to identify your shortcoming and then intentionally adapt your behavior to remedy it. Sounds easy, but it can be a journey. Here are some things to consider:

The top 10 blind-spots according to the article:

  • Going it alone (being afraid to ask for help)

  • Being insensitive of your behavior on others (being unaware of how you show up)

  • Having an “I know” attitude (valuing being right above everything else)

  • Avoiding the difficult conversations (conflict avoidance)

  • Blaming others or circumstances (playing the victim; refusing responsibility)

  • Treating commitments casually (not honoring the other person’s time, energy, resources)

  • Conspiring against others (driven by a personal agenda)

  • Withholding emotional commitment (emotional blackmail)

  • Not taking a stand (lack of commitment to a position)

  • Tolerating “good enough” (low standards for performance)

The top 5 cures according to the article:

  1. Solicit feedback in the right way

  2. Surround yourself with diverse thinkers with the intention of learning from them

  3. Examine your past to identify patterns

  4. Identify triggers

  5. Seek out a blind-spot buddy

Read the original article here.


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