Tammy K. Jersey
Chief Executive Officer
Tammy Jersey founded TKJ Leadership, a certified woman-owned business, to build high performance cultures one leader at a time. Her mission is to amplify leaders to play bigger and with more confidence.
For nearly 25 years, Tammy has been tackling the war for talent. She is best known for her ability to help leaders face their challenges head on and discover new ways of operating. The results are game-changing. She elevates authentic leadership by improving executive presence, communication, emotional intelligence, team motivation and conflict resolution — closing the gap between a leader’s intent and impact.
Tammy specializes in amplifying women leaders. She dares them to operate outside their comfort zones to get their voices heard, empower their teams and be inspiring to others.
The results of Tammy’s work speak for themselves: her clients often earn promotions or, at minimum, secure longevity in their positions in highly competitive environments. Tammy provides individual and team coaching and is a speaker and author on these topics. Select coaching clients have included leaders at GE, Citigroup, New York Life, BlackRock, UBS, Oliver Wyman, Kaplan, TIAA-CREF, Harman, Nestle Waters, Catterton Partners and American Securities.
In her earlier career, Tammy was a Director with Spencer Stuart and worked in both corporate and government settings, including American Express, The Danbury Mint, and The First Boston Corporation. She also spent several years as a senior aide in the United States Senate and the House of Parliament in London, England.
Since 2019, Tammy has been part of Dr. Marshall Goldsmith's 100 Coaches Pay It Forward project (#MG100). Dr. Goldsmith has been recognized by Thinkers50 (London) as the #1 Leadership Thinker and Executive Coach in the world. He is also a NYT Bestseller and a Dartmouth Tuck Professor of Management. In addition, Tammy became certified in 2020 as a Stakeholder Centered Leadership Coach, a Marshall Goldsmith coaching approach with measurable results registered and acknowledged by a leader’s colleagues.
Tammy earned a B.A. in Political Science from Vassar College and an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School. She currently serves on the executive committee of the Board of Directors for Temple Israel in Westport, CT and is a member of the Women’s Presidents Organization.